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Welcome to the Walker -Resilience in Stressful Environments (RiSE) Lab!

The RiSE Lab is focused on investigating stress resilience under various environmental conditions and the relationship between stress management and other integral life functions. We utilize genetics and genomics, physiological, and ecological techniques to access organisms' stress resilience capacity. We also conduct a range of observational (i.e., not manipulating the natural environment) and experimental (i.e., manipulating the natural environment) studies that take place in the field and in the laboratory.

Lab Philosophy and Land Acknowledgement

The RiSE Lab is committed to cultivating an inclusive working environment, where all members feel welcomed, respected, and empowered to explore research. We assert (1) diverse backgrounds, lived experiences, and perspectives are valued, (2) science should be accessible and we will work to accommodate members, (3) harassment and discrimination are never acceptable, and (4) we are always striving to build and maintain a better and more inclusive lab.


The RiSE Lab at Claremont McKenna College occupies the dispossessed traditional lands of the Tongva and Serrano indigenous peoples. Our field research is currently conducted in Hawai‘i, which was yielded by her majesty Queen Lili‘uokalani under duress and protest to the United States and remains an illegally occupied U.S. state. We acknowledge our privilege in having access to these spaces and our commitment to respect and honor indigenous peoples' relationships with the land and sea.​​

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